A Special Needs Trust That Works. This type of special needs trust will be crafted to provide the specific treatment and the economic security for the special needs child or loved one. The focus is not on qualifying for government welfare benefits, but on designing a plan which will provide a safe and secure future for the special needs person. Where possible, there may be an attempt to qualify for governmental benefits, but whether governmental benefits are there or not, the special needs trust will provide for the disabled loved one.

A Professional Care Manager. Most families assign the task of taking care of the disabled loved one to a spouse, sister or brother of the disabled person. In Dale’s experience, this is a usually a huge mistake. The family member is not an expert in this field, doesn’t know what resources are available, does not know which practices will improve or help the condition of the disabled person, does not have the time to spare from their own family and career and often will face care giver burn out. Ask yourself: Is this a fair and wise thing to impose on your child? Dale has seen people with disabilities have their conditions improve when their care is supervised by a professional care manager. Dale says a great source to find a care manager is http://www.caremanager.org/.
Role of the Family, Trustee and Care Manager. Dale recommends that the family serve as the Trust Advisory Committee which can supervise and replace the Trustee and Care Manager, direct distributions and amend the Trust to conform to changing laws where necessary. The Trustee will be a professional Trust Company which will use discretion in making distributions, understand and keep up with public benefit requirements, wisely invest the funds, conform to statutory fiduciary requirements, file taxes, do tax planning, keep perfect books, provide advocacy and be immortal, that is, stay in business longer than the lifetime of the disabled person. There are several national trust companies which have specialized divisions for disabled persons or extensive experience in this field. The Care Manager can supervise the distributions by the Trustee and the care of the disabled person. For additional information, go to http://www.achievingindependence.com/.

Change Your Special Needs Plan. If your plan for your special needs person is not set up in the way discussed in this blog or if you want your current plan revised or reviewed, contact us for a review and adoption of a better plan for your special needs child or person.